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Walking- talking rehab centres

Men were made to provide and protect. Women were made to care and nurture. For a long time, these were considered as the traditional roles of men and women in the society and in the family. This is the reason why so many women face social stigma when they want to leave their abusive, drunkard husbands too. A women is expected to reform the man and renew their relationship. If a women wanted to function like a rehab centre, she would run a rehab facility and atleast make money out of it.

A woman who puts up with everything the husband does to her and still chooses to stick with him is considered a hero or an iron lady by many. I have a lot of respect for women who go through emotional family wars and come out of it successful.

But if a women, at any point of time, decides that she has had enough of this and decides to walk out of the relationship, she is the human form of Satan for the society. Because she abandoned her husband and put her own personal happiness and goals over him. This is not just in marital relationship. Everywhere a woman is expected to nurture and care when the man can go about making mistakes, learning from mistakes and still have the love of his life waiting for him patiently at the end of it.

When do women get the space to make mistakes and learn? Are mistakes made by women perceived with the same gravity as men? This is why it is so infuriating to watch mainstream media and audience worship this woman who will go through every possible turmoil and still stay by her husband.

To me, both women need not be worshipped, both of them have their own reasons for the choices they take and they both need to be respected. To stay or walk away is upto the woman and not upto some filmmaker who decides to put one on a pedestal.


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