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That life changing book

I was one of those book hoarders (still am), buying books even if I never touched them. Most of the books were bought only because someone I admired said that it changed their life! And I naively assumed that it would change my life too! A film maker that I idolise, recommended Fountainhead by Ayn Rand and mentioned that it changed the way he looked at films and even life. 50 pages into the book, I had dropped the book on the floor. I was fast asleep and the book had been christened with my drool. When I woke up, I realised this book was probably not for me. This was not the first book that had failed to live up to my expectations. There were several before and there will probably be more in the future.

But even today when someone I admire, mentions a book, I can’t help but think if this book will be the one to change my life. All those biographies that were supposed to change my perspective on life, those self-help books that should have turned my life upside down are all sitting on my bookshelf, gathering dust. While my life has taken it’s own sweet trajectories.

I have not read a lot of books but I have read a fair amount of them and one thing I can say with absolute confidence is that no book can completely change your life. They can change your thoughts, ideals and beliefs or rather rid you of beliefs that existed before. Not just books, reading the newspaper, keeping your eyes and ears open to the various issues in our society on social media and in person will help you shape your social perspective and in course of time alter the way you speak, think and live.

I still continue to hoard books but not in hope that one of those will change my life. But because of the strange comfort they offer. I now read only to read, learn and widen my horizons. And if there is a book to change one’s life, its yet to be written!


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