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Please don’t motivate me

With YouTube and Instagram booming like never before, motivation and motivators are springing up everywhere. There has never been a time in history like this. Where we are constantly flooded with motivational quotes, videos and interviews. But on the contrary, most of us are living depressed lives, where our happiness and self-confidence is as short-lived as our Whatsapp statuses and Instagram stories.

So let’s take another look at what these motivators are actually telling us. Motivators are basically online cheerleaders. They tell us that we can all be successful, we can all scale mountains and run marathons instantly. It tells us to smile immediately after breakups and get back on track immediately after a failure or setback. In reality, everything takes time. It takes one month of sincere fitness activities and healthy eating to lose just 1-2 kgs and that reality hits you hard.

Most motivational videos and quotes are unrealistic (not all of them). That sudden surge of energy that you feel after is extremely short-lived. It is better to not watch those videos because after a surge, comes the crash. This will be followed by extreme guilt that you could not sustain the motivation even after watching so many motivation videos.

Being the world’s biggest skeptic has its perks. When someone says motivation. I say why not motivate yourself and show me that you can do something more than just making motivation videos. No motivator or influencer is telling you exactly he/she is doing in life to be a certain way. And there is no guarantee that their methods will work for you. So it is better to take every video and article with a pinch of salt and workout your own plan.

And the biggest catch of all is that nobody, I mean nobody, not even scientists can figure out why a habit sticks, how someone who has lived a certain way all their life will suddenly wake up one day and completely turn their life upside down. True motivation comes from within. Change things because you want to change it, not because some motivator or influencer tells you you should. Okay let me stop before I become too preachy like a motivation video.


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