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My people

Blood is thicker than water. We have all heard it over and over again. As you grow and make relationships outside of your family, you tend to realise that the definition of family is very loose. Slowly our family by blood begins to fade into the background and the family by choice (friends) take the spotlight.

Family is great. No offense. But are we really our true uninhibited selves in front of them? Do we speak out our minds, our wishes and our dreams completely without holding anything back? And this constant pretending can be tiresome for an adult.

Thanks to cinema and television, we also have this very unrealistic expectation of how family should be. It is soaked in stereotypes that will stress and restrain women. Family will be nothing like those big framed photographs they show you. Family is definitely not feeding each other cake on birthdays and eating ridiculously large dosas. Family is the ugly stuff. It’s about the stuff you don’t want to put on Instagram. And the people who will stick around for those non- instagrammable issues of your life. It can be ten people or even just two. The best part of adult life is finding them. Finding those people who will attach on to you like mold and never leave.

Family is anyone who will listen to you without judgement. Anyone who will make you talk about those issues that you would never speak out loud. Someone who makes you feel vulnerable and safe at the same time. Makes you want to bare your heart with utmost confidence. If you have that, you have family! They don’t necessarily have to be related to you by blood.


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