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Growing in Love

When you first meet someone, you have no idea how much or how little this person will impact your life. But then you start to catch feelings and you play the hide and seek game until you are finally in a relationship with him/her.

The feelings of love grow and grow until it reaches a point. You feel like nobody could love another person more than you do right now. And that feeling is mostly true. At that moment, you feel your relationship has peaked. Everything that grows, also has to wane. You start to see those tiny flaws and quirks wonder if you have fallen out of love?

But the only question you need to ask yourself is whether you have grown in love? Every relationship in life needs to be only measured with this yardstick. Have you grown because you were with them? True love calls a spade, a spade. They will tell you when you are being absolutely crazy and push you when you are reluctant to step out of your comfort zone.

Being in love is not about sacrificing your dreams so you could stay together in the same city or meet up daily. It is about supporting the love of your life to pursue his/her dreams and assures them that if anyone can make it work, it will be us! Growth doesn’t even need to be about your career. Did being in love help you shed insecurities? Did it make you braver in the face of emotional issues? If the love of your life does not help you conquer the biggest fears and dreams of your life, what are they even doing in your life?

To me, being in love is making each other better. Being in love is learning, growing, leaving behind those childhood insecurities, discovering your strengths, overcoming your weaknesses, achieving all those personal and shared goals and dreaming of more personal and professional goals for the both of you to walk towards.

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